Pokemon Y Rom Nintendo 3DS Download

Pokemon Y Rom Rom
NamePokemon Y Rom Nintendo 3DS Download
Publish25 Jul 2023
ConsoleNintendo 3DS Rom [CIA] > ROM
Emulator3DS Emulator: Citra

Pokemon Y Rom is a popular 3DS Rom in the Pokemon Game series where players explore the Kalos region while catching, training, and battling Pokemon in 3D with new features such as Mega Evolution and legendary Pokemon such as Yveltal.

Table of Contents

What is Pokemon Y?

Pokemon X and Y are the most notable changes in the series. While the animated sprites in Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 closely resemble this jump, the differences here are dramatic. The massive overworld feels spacious, especially in the larger cities. The cameras in cutscenes can also operate in 3D space, rather than hovering 30 feet above the ground.

Pokemon Y Rom

  • Also See: Pokemon Emerald Rom which features an expanded Pokedex, allowing players to encounter and capture over 200 different Pokemon species.

Graphics and Battels

New Pokemon and beloved old friends come to life with detailed graphics, intense 3D battles, and vibrant visuals. Get a Pokemon Trainer and you can explore a new region with many new Pokemon to catch, trade or battle. Pokemon-Amie lets you pet, feed, and play with your Pokemon. This can help you in future battles. You can also connect with other players to exchange Pokemon or challenge them in battle.

Two pieces of Nintendo 3DS software are compatible with Pokemon X & Y: you can use Pokemon Bank for up to 3,000 Pokemon in the cloud. Poke Transferer transfers Pokemon between Black, White, Black 2, and White 2.

Download Pokemon Y Rom for Citra

Pokemon Y Rom is for Nintendo 3DS Roms Emulator. if you enjoy Games so Pokemon Y Rom would be a good game for you! You can download Pokemon Y Rom with a direct link and free. this game is in English and is of the best quality available.

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