Pokemon Supernova Sun 3DS Rom Nintendo

Pokemon Supernova Sun Rom
NamePokemon Supernova Sun 3DS Rom Nintendo
Publish27 Dec 2020
ConsoleNintendo 3DS Rom [CIA] > ROM
Emulator3DS Emulator: Citra
Size2.7 GB

Table of Contents

Pokemon Supernova Sun 3DS Rom Review

Pokemon Supernova Sun Rom is for Nintendo 3DS Roms Emulator. if you enjoy Game so Pokemon Supernova Sun would be a good game for you!
you can download Pokemon Supernova Sun Rom with direct link and free. this game is in English language and the best quality available.


Similar to Pokemon Sun and Moon, the player character is an eleven-year-old moving to Melemele Island in Alola with their mother. As is tradition, the player has rivals on their journey: Hau, a friendly boy who accompanies the player throughout the story, and Gladion, the estranged son of Lusamine. During their travels in Alola following the region’s traditional island challenges, they complete trials which involve battles with powerful Pokémon known as Totem Pokémon, and encounter numerous groups — a villainous one known as Team Skull, led by a man named Guzma; a more charitable one known as the Aether Foundation, led by a woman named Lusamine; and another called the Ultra Recon Squad, who came from a different dimension, the Ultra Megalopolis, where Necrozma has stolen its light. Much of the story revolves around multiple legendary Pokémon: a Cosmog, nicknamed Nebby, who eventually evolves into a Solgaleo in Ultra Sun, or Lunala in Ultra Moon; and a Necrozma, who attempts to seize the light from Alola.

Pokemon Supernova Sun 3DS Rom Nintendo


Pokemon Supernova Sun Rom is similar to other Pokemon Roms series and it’s in Role Playing Game Mode. While set in an alternate version of the Alola region, the mechanics and graphics remain largely the same as Pokémon Sun and Moon

Download Pokemon Supernova Sun 3DS Rom

You can Download And install Pokemon Supernova Sun on Nintendo 3DS Console, to do that you need to install Nintendo 3DS emulator first which you can find on Nintendo 3DS Emulator page.

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