Pokemon Rumble World Rom

pokemon rumble world rom Rom
NamePokemon Rumble World Rom
Publish15 Jun 2023
ConsoleNintendo 3DS Rom [CIA] > ROM
Emulator3DS Emulator: Citra

Pokemon Rumble World Rom features action gameplay that makes it stand out from the Pokemon Roms. Pokemon Rumble Rom departs from traditional role-playing games and instead focuses on fast battles, with an emphasis on toy Pokemon collections for quick fights and fast battles.

Table of Contents

What is Pokemon Rumble World Rom About?

In Kingdom of Toys, the player controls their Mii character as a trainer of toy Pokemon, exploring various “adventure areas” and participating in battles against wild toy Pokemon. The battles are relatively simple: basic attacks and special abilities allow defeating the opponents.

Pokemon Rumble World Rom

Different kinds Of Pokemon

Pokemon Rumble World offers a large variety of toy Pokemon that you can collect. There are over 700 species that you can add to your collection. Each one has its own special characteristics, and through evolution, you’ll be able to increase its strength over time.

Ways to Acquire Toy Pokemon

Players who want to acquire toy Pokemon have several ways to do so. Completing quests or participating in various events are great options while buying Poke diamonds will give you access to certain Pokemon and make the game experience even more fun and adventurous.

Make Friends and Unlock Rewards with StreetPass

StreetPass adds an interactive social component to Pokemon Rumble World. If you pass near another player who owns Pokemon Rumble World, you’ll be able to exchange Mii characters and get benefits such as additional items or unlocking new areas.

pokemon rumble world rom download


Pokemon Rumble World offers players of all ages an exciting, colorful art style and accessible gameplay mechanics that make it a fun Pokemon adventure where fans can collect and battle their favorite creatures just like other Pokemon Roms.


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