Pokemon GS Chronicles

Pokemon GS Chronicles Rom
NamePokemon GS Chronicles
Publish08 Dec 2022
ConsoleGBA ROMs > ROM
EmulatorGBA Emulators
Size10 MB

Pokemon GS Chronicles Rom offers a wonderful remake of Pokemon Gold & Silver for the GBA. According to the creator, the creation is heavily inspired and inspired by “Pokemon Dark Violet”, and has high praise for its storyline and features.

Table of Contents

What is Pokemon GS Chronicles Rom?


The story of Pokemon Gold & Silver has been widely criticized as being pointless and Team Rocket not having a clear goal. GS Chronicles aims to make this story more engaging. The game starts at the beginning, with slight route changes and Team Rocket appearing in different locations. This game uses more cutscenes, which are created with more emotion and detail. They try to give Team Rocket more intensity and harshness as you follow their lead. Generation 2 fans will appreciate this feature as it adds to the story.

Graphics And Other Features

The graphics look almost identical to HeartGold/SoulSilver. The game looks a lot better than FireRed. While there are some visual bugs in certain cases it doesn’t really impact the gameplay. The Pokemon roster can only be updated up to Gen 4 (roughly 494). The Pokémon roster, including items, and moves, is up to Gen 4, which is around 494. A noteworthy feature is a day- to night cycle, which was a feature in Gen 2 games. The locations of Pokemon are also available for swapping and will be displayed depending on the time. The game offers enough content to keep you busy.

Pokemon GS Chronicles Rom

How to Download Pokemon GS Chronicles GBA Rom?

  1. Click on Download Button under the information table
  2. Click on download button on next page
  3. unzip rom and import Pokemon GS Chronicles files into GBA Emulator

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