Project IGI for PC Download

IGI PC Download Rom
NameProject IGI for PC Download
Publish29 Jun 2023
Size131.34 MB

Download Project IGI 1 (I’m Going In) for PC was a journeyman infiltration and combat video game released in 2000. Project IGI was notable for its large open spaces and uncharitable difficulty.

Table of Contents

IGI Overview

Project I.G.I.: I’m Going In, is a tactical, first-person shooter video game. Jones, the protagonist is an excellent example of a low-cinematic, military stealth expert. However, the game stats may be slightly off.

Project IGI for PC Download


The gameplay is simple, but it’s very interesting. This game includes many new weapons, such as the MP5, Bazooka, and Dragunov guns. The graphics are also so amazing that some critics have called them outstanding. This game also features a great Sound Design.

Jones, Powers, and Abilities

Jones is an elite commando who specializes in infiltration, sanctioning, and intelligence as well as other black ops missions. Although he is a highly skilled soldier, his skills in silent combat, sentry evacuation, stealth, and security system hacking are what make him so valuable. He’s also very attentive, which is a crucial quality for snooping into a perimeter.

Because of his military intelligence training and military intelligence, he is extremely knowledgeable about the protocols and equipment of the former Warsaw Pact. He is able to handle Russian weapons and military vehicles as well as any Russian soldier and is familiarized with variants (such as the Norinco assault rifles).

He is fluent in Russian and understands many languages, especially Eastern European ones. He is also fluent in Irish, it is assumed.

Jones seems to be quick and well-healed after sustaining grievous injuries at least twice. He is an actor in a low-cinematic film genre, where being shot at can be a problem. This is a good thing.

Character Histories

David Llewellyn Jones, a Cardiff native, was born in 1965. At age 15, he was expelled from school for being a hard case. Within weeks, he was able to find a new career in stealing and racing cars. Jones was seriously injured and his best friend died in a car crash during one of these races. Jones enlisted with the British Army after a long hospital stay and juvenile detention.

This decision was a great one. Before joining the SAS, Jones was able to focus and maintain discipline through his time with the Parachute Regiment. Jones discovered he was a natural language learner, which helped him to become a military intelligence detail.

Project IGI Features & Equipment

Soft body armor, combat knives, Glock 17 9mm pistol, light rappelling equipment, climbing equipment, security electronic tools, etc.
A satellite radio encrypted to keep in touch with his handlers.
A silenced 9mm Heckler & Koch MP5SD3 sub-machinegun. Semi-automatic mode is often used for sending removal at short and medium ranges.
A laptop computer that is armored. It can be used to hack certain types of software and comes with annotated satellite photos of the area.
Pair of powerful binoculars that can be connected to the laptop for signal analysis. It is capable of automatically picking heartbeats, and marking their source with a red circle. The binoculars also include a digital compass and light amplification for night-time observation.

Spy Satellite Monitoring

Jones can operate with the help of IGI’s resources, often under the watchful eye of a high-resolution spy satellite. This is usually Major R. Anya. The satellite can see vehicles and people, as well as individuals (such as a guard outside).


He enters the base of terrorist Jach Probosi. He is assigned the mission of capturing Priboi and extracting information about the missing Warhead that is a danger to the USA. He captures Priboi, then he escapes via a Helicopter. However, the Russians shot down the helicopter. Priboi is captured along with Jones’ equipment. Jones must now retrieve his equipment and get across the border. He learns of the involvement of Ekk during his expedition. Ekk is then the main antagonist of this story and he decides to capture her. Ekk escapes after they meet for the first time.

Project IGI for PC Download

IGI System Requirements

Before you begin IGI Free Download, make sure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements.

  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU: Intel Pentium II and later
  • RAM: 128MB
  • Hard Disc 500 MB

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